The project “You can succeed, too!”, funded by the Bulgarian Fund for Women, offers a program for personal development for young girls aged 14 to 18 from the Roma community in Kuklen. Within 6 months, the girls participate in a program consisting of 3 main modules related to education and career counseling, psychological and legal support. The partner organizations Association for Career Development and Training and Social Fondation “Indi-Roma 97” aim to increase the self-confidence and aspiration for self-affirmation of young girls by discovering and developing their potential – personal qualities and abilities. The experts from  Association for Career Development and Training and Social Fondation “Indi-Roma 97” are facilitators and mentors in the training process.

On 10-11.06.2021 the first cycle of training on topics: “Personal Development” and “Career Development” was held in the center of social foundation “Indy-Roma 97”. The training was attended by students from the Vocational School of Agriculture and High School “Otets Paisii”, Kuklen. The module “Reproductive Health and Womens’ Rights” started on June 14, 2021 and will continue with a series of personal and group meetings with the health mediator of the Kuklen municipality.